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Our philosophy.

Mission statement

Technology should serve man; man should not be the servant of technology. Many fundamental calculations and insights go back to ancient Greek mathematicians (such as Archimedes) and engineers (including the first analogue "computers").

Only an increasingly smart technology that is adapted to human needs can solve the problems of humanity in the future. In continuation of the outstanding philosophical and technical foundations of our civilization, Bertrandt Technology (formerly Philotech) is committed to always being at the forefront of technological progress. This is what Bertrandt Technology (formerly Philotech) and all its employees are committed to.


Our customer's success is our main goal

Bertrandt Technology (formerly Philotech) provides engineering and consulting services for demanding and safety critical applications. Our targeted customers are manufacturers and suppliers in these sectors.
We have accumulated in-depth competencies on international level. The customers have regarded the owner-managed company
Bertrandt Technology (formerly 
Philotech) as their selected engineering and consulting partner for over 30 years. 


Engineering experts throughout Europe
Highly qualified and motivated engineers are working at our headquarters and branches in Germany as well as at our subsidiaries and at customer sites in Germany, France, Spain and the United Kingdom. Their expertise is constantly being fostered by an internal know-how transfer as well as by close cooperation with universities and research institutions. 


ï„… Our customers rely on us

Bertrandt Technology (formerly Philotech) provides project consultancy and customized solutions along the entire lifecycle of complex systems. From the analysis to concept and design, from development, verification and documentation up to the in-service support - our customers can rely on our ingenuity and availability. 
As the competent partner in development, Bertrandt Technology(formerly 
Philotech) contributes a significant part to our customer's value chain. Thanks to our proficiency in projects and consultancy, we accept responsibility for our work performed in the development process. This builds a solid basis of the cooperation with our customers and their success.

ï„… Mastering innovative development programs

Our philosophy is to strive to support our customers in mastering their innovative development programs in time and budget. The requirements of our customers regarding our service portfolio as well as our regional availability make us grow continuously.

The Management Team


As a development specialist with more than 12,000 employees at 50 locations, we work on behalf of our project partners worldwide to advance technology for people. The Bertrandt Group stands for comprehensive development services along the product creation process in future-oriented industries such as automotive, aviation, energy, electrical and medical engineering as well as plant and mechanical engineering - from the idea to series production.


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ï„… Dr. Kai-Uwe Dörr

CEO Bertrandt Technology Germany GmbH

Mrs Wolf-Scherrer studied Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Karlsruhe.


After holding leading positions in Finance Departments and Human Resources at international companies Mrs Wolf-Scherrer took over 'Finance and Controlling' as well as 'HR' at Philotech in 2008.


Mrs. Wolf-Scherrer is responsible for all commercial and personnel matters in the company.


ï„… Silvia Wolf-Scherrer

Commercial CEO Bertrandt Technology Germany GmbH

Mr. Morcillo studied Business Administration at AEDE Business School Madrid and graduated at the university Carlos III Madrid as Master of Science as telecommunication Engineer.


In the past Mr. Morcillo worked for Knorr-Bremse as transnational project manager for complex systems on multiple projects.


Within his work as member of the board of directors, program and technical manager as well as engineer at companies like Orbital Sistemas Aerospaciales, Airbus Military and Motorola Mr. Morcillo has gained comprehensive international experience in management, business development, leadership and people management.


Mr. Morcillo started mid May 2018 as CEO Philotech Spain.

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ï„… Raul Morcillo

International Manager & CEO Bertrandt Technology Spain S.L.

Our Locations


Branch Offices

Project Offices








EN 9100 based on ISO 9001

Bertrandt Technology Germany GmbH (formerly Philotech) has established and maintains a management system relevant for Systems-, Life-Cycle-, Software-Engineering, Design/Analysis, Verification & Validation.
Since September 2003
Bertrandt Technology Germany GmbH is certified according to the EN 9100 standard which defines the requirements of quality management systems for aviation, space and defence organisations.
The EN 9100 standard is based on ISO 9001. The certification includes the company locations Taufkirchen, Hamburg and Cottbus, Toulouse and Madrid.



TISAX - Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange

TISAX represents a testing framework coordinated by the VDA with a focus on Information Security for suppliers in the automotive sector.
Bertrandt Technology Germany GmbH (formerly 
Philotech) is an approved service provider for OEMs from the automotive sector (VW, Porsche, BMW) and is allowed to perform projects with the classification "high protection requirements" at the company locations Taufkirchen, Landshut, Hamburg, Cottbus and Getafe.


ï„… Preferred supplier

  • Airbus Group

    • Airbus E2S Supplier Status

    • Airbus Group Master Supply Agreement

    • Airbus Operations/KID: preferred supplier for Embedded Software of Cabin Systems

    • Airbus Operations Germany: selected as contractor for temporary employees

    • Airbus Customer Services: preferred supplier for MSG-3

    • Airbus Defense & Space: selected as contractor for temporary employees

  • Rohde & Schwarz

  • Liebherr Aerospace

  • Diehl Aerospace

  • Rolls Royce Deutschland

    • Approved supplier for the scope "engine control / monitoring software verification"

German Testing Board Premium Partner

Bertrandt Technology Germany GmbH Cottbus is entitled to offer the ISTQB® Certified Tester training course Foundation Level, accredited according to CTFL® Syllabus 2011 by German Testing Board.


ISTQB® Platinum Partner

From the International Software Testing Qualifications board we achieved the level of ISTQB® Platinum Partner.
The ISTQB® Partner Program connects organizations around the world that place great value on the training of their employees and that want to demonstrate this qualification with the ISTQB certificate. For these organizations, software testing is the way of verifiably ensuring high-quality work products. We are proud of our certified software testing staff and of being one of those organizations!


European Social Fund – Investment in Your future

Bertrandt Technology Germany GmbH Cottbus receives funding for the training "Technical Competence Software Tests" from the European Social Fund (ESF) by the Brandenburg Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Women's Affairs.

ï„… European Commision (EC)
ï„… European Social Fund (ESF)
ï„… Brandenburg Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy

Bertrandt Technology Germany is member of

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Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit
UAV Dach
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